The 2024 Fact Book is Here!
The purpose of The Facts is to provide a high-level overview of the data points our Board regularly studies. Detailed information can also be found on the Board’s Data Dashboard.

What is Idaho Launch?
For questions or to learn more about Idaho Launch, visit Next Steps Idaho.

Empowering Parents
The Empowering Parents program provides resources to help parents improve their students' learning. Learn More.

Scholarship Idaho
A single system for all 8 (EIGHT) of Idaho's state-managed scholarships. Students and adults can create an account, answer a few eligibility questions, then select the scholarship(s) they want to apply for. Now Open!

The 2016 Idaho Legislature created the Idaho Office of School Safety and Security to support the efforts of Idaho public schools as they work to create safer learning environments. Visit the See Tell Now! public awareness site to submit a tip, download the tip line app, or view awareness videos.
The Idaho State Board of Education
Leadership, Policy, Advocacy.
The Idaho State Board of Education makes policy for K-20 public education in Idaho, to create opportunity for lifelong attainment of high quality education, research, and innovation. Learn more.
Idaho education has entered a new progressive era in order to increase global competitiveness and attract opportunity, as seen through our many current education initiatives. Education and commerce must partner to build upon each other.
Recognizing the value of a postsecondary education, the State of Idaho offers a variety of scholarship options for eligible Idaho students.
The role of Idaho’s public higher education institutions is to provide a wide variety of educational, training, research, continuing education and service programs to meet the personal and professional needs of Idaho citizens and employers.
The State Board of Education envisions an accessible, affordable, seamless public education system that results in a highly educated citizenry.