Educator Preparation Programs

A learner-ready educator is one who is ready on day one of his or her career to model and develop in students the knowledge and skills they need to succeed today including the ability to think critically and creatively, to apply content to solving real-world problems, to be literate across the curriculum, to collaborate and work in teams, and to take ownership of their own continuous learning.

More specifically, learner-ready teachers have deep knowledge of their content and how to teach it; they understand the differing needs of their students, hold them to high expectations, and personalize learning to ensure each learner is challenged; they care about, motivate, and actively engage students in learning; they collect, interpret, and use student assessment data to monitor progress and adjust instruction; they systematically reflect, continuously improve, and collaboratively problem solve; and they demonstrate leadership and shared responsibility for the learning of all students.

Idaho strives to approve and hold accountable teacher preparation programs that produce learner-ready teachers. Each year Idaho approved teacher preparation program’s report data on admission requirements, standards and assessments. That data is currently collected in the Federal Title II Reports, click on Idaho.

Public and Non-Public Traditional Educator Preparation Providers:
Non-Traditional Educator Preparation Providers:
School-Based Educator Preparation Programs:
Approved Accreditors for Idaho Educator Preparation Providers
Annual Performance Measures for Education Preparation Providers
Pedagogical Knowledge
(Benchmark: 90%)
The percentage of candidates who, at exit of program, passed the Common Summative Assessment (Idaho Framework for Teaching Evaluation) at a basic or better in all 22 components.
Content Knowledge
(Benchmark 80%)
The percentage of overall completer pass rate of Idaho State Board Approved content assessment for which the EPP has at least ten candidates complete the assessment during the academic year. 
Completer Effectiveness on Professional Practice 
(Benchmark: 95%)
The percentage of teachers of record and completers who signed an Idaho teaching contract in their first year after completion were eligible for and obtained the Idaho Professional Endorsement.
Persistence in an Idaho Local Education Agency
(Benchmark: 80%)  
The percentage of teachers of record and completers who signed an Idaho teaching contract in their first year after completion working full-time in an Idaho Local Education Agency who persist for three years.