Narrative – Funding Formula 6-11-15

Economics of Scale Abstract

A Proposed Funding Model for Postsecondary Education

Payout Simulations Using Outcomes-Based Formulas

Driving Better Outcomes, by HCM Strategists

Cato Institute: Tuition and State Support

No one disputes that the sticker price of college—what schools charge, not necessarily what students end up paying—has for decades been rising at a very fast clip. What analysts disagree about is why.

SBOE Overview of Outcomes-Based Funding

Outcomes-Based Funding (OBF) is a higher education initiative being led by the State Board of Education, in coordination with the Governor’s Office and the Legislature. OBF is one of the key elements of a Board Five-Year Operational Plan for Higher Education, which is being […] Learn More

Background Notes on Outcomes-Based Funding

Outcomes Supporting Workforce

Access & Affordability