Postsecondary Program Approval

Idaho Code 33-101 provides that the State Board of Education has constitutional general supervision and governance of public postsecondary institutions.

Program Review and Approval Procedures

The Board approves all new academic and career-technical education programs for all eight public Idaho institutions consistent with Board Policy III.G and Section 33-2107A, Idaho Code. This includes certificates and modifications to existing programs. The Board delegates authority to its Executive Director, State Administrator, or their designee to approve specific actions through Board Policy III.G. Program requests requiring completion of a Full Program Proposal Form or Short Program Proposal Form must be submitted to the Office of the State Board of Education using the online proposal submission system. Each institution has a designated representative responsible for the submission of proposals to the system. For actions requiring a Letter of Notification, refer to Board Policy III.G.3.c and 4.c.

State Program Proposal Submission Timelines

In accordance with Board Policy III.G, the Executive Director or designee and the State Administrator for Idaho Division of Career Technical Education (IDCTE) shall develop and publish a timeline for review of full proposals for timely inclusion on the agendas of regularly scheduled Board meetings. This timeline is maintained by the Board office in consultation with IDCTE and is subject to change based on any modifications to State Board meeting dates.

Timetable for Program Requests

State Program Proposal Forms and Flowchart

There are six Program Proposal Forms institutions shall use for processing program requests, depending on the nature of the request per Policy III.G. Please refer to the flowchart below ​to determine which form to use. If unsure which form to use after consulting the flowchart, contact Patty Sanchez directly before proceeding.

Program Review and Approval Procedures Flowchart

The Academic Programs Full Proposal Form is to request a new certificate, associate, Bachelor’s, or graduate program. Consult Board Policy III.G.3.a for actions requiring a full proposal.

The Academic Programs Short Proposal Form is to request approval of non-substantive changes to academic programming or administration that require review and approval by Executive Director or designee. Consult Board Policy III.G.3.b for actions requiring a short proposal.

The Career Technical Programs Full Proposal Form is to request a new CTE program. A Scope and Sequence, is required for career-technical education requests. Consult Board Policy III.G.4.a for actions requiring a full proposal.

The Career Technical Programs Short Proposal Form is to request approval of non-substantive changes to career technical education programming or administration that require review and approval by State Adminstrator or designee. Consult Board Policy III.G.4.b for actions requiring a short proposal.

The Discontinuance Proposal Form is to discontinue any academic or career-technical education program and administrative/instructional unit.

The Instructional/Administrative Unit Proposal Form is to request a new instructional or administrative unit.

Letter of Notification is a process by which an institution notifies the Executive Director, State Administrator, or their designee of changes to academic or career technical education programming or administration that do not require advanced approval by the Board or the Executive Director or designee, as specified in Board Policy III.G 3.c and 4.c.

Please refer to Idaho State Board of Education Governing Policies and Procedures,  Section III.G.