Advanced Opportunities for High School Academics

There are several opportunities for students at Idaho secondary schools to earn college credit for education completed while still enrolled in the secondary school system.

Dual Credit

Dual credit, sometimes called "concurrent enrollment," is course work in which a secondary student is enrolled in a college level course which is also counted as a secondary course for high school graduation purposes.

Advanced Placement

Advanced Placement (AP) helps hundreds of thousands of high school students achieve their college dreams each year.

College Level Examination Program

Whether you’re getting a head start on college or finishing your degree, you can earn credit for a fraction of the cost of a college course, using the College Level Examination Program (CLEP).

Microcredentials (Formerly Technical Competency Credit/TCC)

Microcredentials are awarded for mastery of defined skills or concepts including career technical and academic skills which can be earned during high school. Microcredentials are most often distributed as digital badges.