Broadband Reimbursement Program

Internet and WAN services eligible for E-Rate may also be eligible for reimbursement through the Broadband Reimbursement Program.

Eligible invoices can be uploaded each month. State broadband reimbursements are processed each December and June. To make arrangements, contact

Reimbursement Requirements

Broadband Program Policies

To qualify for broadband reimbursements each December and June, schools must:

Please note that the only E-Rate services and hardware eligible for state reimbursement are limited to: Category 1 Internet Access, Data Transmission (WAN), one-time costs, special construction, and network hardware.  

Recommended Bandwidth Levels Preapproved for Reimbursement  (Not applicable to WAN)

This table confirms the amount of bandwidth recommended by the Education Opportunity Resource Committee for Idaho schools based on the size of their user base (total students and staff as reported in ISEE). LEAs are automatically approved for reimbursement up to the maximum recommended amount.

User CountRecommended MinimumRecommended Maximum
499 Users or below100 MbpsUp to 1 Gbps. If 1 Gbps, the total monthly cost must be equal to or less than $2,000/mo, and  $2.00 per Mbps (Mbps ÷ MRC)
At least 5001 Gbps1 Gbps
At least 1,5001 Gbps2 Gbps
At least 3,0001 Gbps5 Gbps
At least 6,0001 GbpsUp to 10 Gbps, or 1Mbps/User
At least 15,0001 GbpsUp to 20 Gbps, or 1 Mbps/User
At least 35,0001 GbpsUp to 40 Gbps, or 1 Mbps/User
  • If your bandwidth is higher than the recommended maximum, you are still eligible to receive a partial state reimbursement based on the confirmed or estimated pricing of the maximum amount.
  • To receive full reimbursements for bandwidth higher than the maximum recommended amount, LEAs must submit an appeal to the Education Opportunity Resource Committee (EORC) and provide bandwidth data to support the request.
  • One-time costs can be reimbursed by the Broadband Program. If the state portion exceeds $5,000, the reimbursement must first be approved by EORC. This also applies to special construction costs not covered by E-Rate and the state fiber grant.
  • Broadband Reimbursement is not available for Bus Wi-Fi or for Hotspots

To submit an appeal, LEAs must first contact the Program Coordinator: 208-332-6892, or The appeal must be in letter form and submitted to the program coordinator prior to the next scheduled meeting.

About EORC

The Education Opportunity Resource Committee is directed by 33-5604 to make resources and funding available to Idaho LEAs for Internet Access, Wide-area network, and related services when available funding allows (related services include items required to participate in E-Rate and utilize service, such as but not limited to content filters, cybersecurity needs, or E-Rate consultant fees).

As of September 2024, the Education Opportunity Resource Committee is comprised of the following individuals in each role as listed in Idaho Code §33-5603:

EORC MemberDetails
Chris Campbell
  • Committee Chairman and Representative of State Board of Education
  • OSBE Chief Technology Officer
Dean Reich
  • Designee of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction
  • SDE Public School Finance, Senior Financial Specialist
Norm Stewart
  • Superintendent representing small schools (Fewer than 1,000 students)
  • Marsing School District #363
David Carson
  • Superintendent representing medium schools (Between 1,000 and 4,999 students)
  • Gooding School District #231
Scott Wolstenhume
  • Superintendents representing large schools (5,000 students or greater)
  • Bonneville School District #93
Stephanie Bailey-White
  • State Librarian
  • Idaho Commission for Libraries
Keven Denton
  • IETA Appointee #1
  • Deputy Chief Technology Officer at West Ada School District #2
Dan Smith
  • IETA Appointee #2
  • Director of Technology, Kendrick School District #283