Idaho Comprehensive Literacy Course and Assessment

Per IDAPA, all Idaho teachers working on an interim certificate (alternate authorizations, nontraditional routes, reinstatement, or coming from out of state), must complete a state board approved Idaho Comprehensive Literacy course or assessment as a one-time requirement for standard instructional certificate.

The Idaho Comprehensive Literacy Standards may be found at Idaho Standards for Initial Certification of Professional School Personnel.

The Idaho Comprehensive Literacy Plan may be found at Idaho Comprehensive Literacy Plan 2020 .

Approved Idaho Comprehensive Literacy Course and Assessment providers are listed below:

Boise State University

Assessment Option:

  1. Idaho Comprehensive Literacy Assessment

Mode of Delivery: Remote
Cost: $95/assessment
Contact: Kimberly Parker at

Idaho State University

Course Options:

  1. Idaho Comprehensive Literacy Course (Standards 1, 2, 3, 4)
    • Elementary, Special Education, English as a Second Language
  2. Secondary Idaho Comprehensive Literacy Course (Standards 2, 4)
    • Secondary content areas as well as Music K-12, Art K-12, PE K-12
  3. Dyslexia Course: Reading & Writing Learning Disabilities (Standard 5)
    • All Endorsements

Mode of Delivery: Self-paced asynchronous online
Cost: $165/3 credit course
Contact: The Albion Center for Professional Development at

Lewis-Clark State College

Assessment Options:

  1. Idaho Comprehensive Literacy Assessment Elementary Level (Standards 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
  2. Idaho Comprehensive Literacy Assessment Secondary Level (Standards 2, 4, 5)

Mode of Delivery: In-person or remote
Cost: $25/each assessment
Contact: The LCSC Education office at

Northwest Nazarene University

Assessment Option:

  1. Idaho Comprehensive Literacy Assessment

Mode of Delivery: In-person
Cost: $100/assessment
Contact: The Center for Professional Development at

University of Idaho

Course Option:

  1. Idaho Comprehensive Literacy Course/ EDCI 463 – Standards 2, 4, 5

Mode of Delivery: Self-paced asynchronous online
Cost: $1,362/3 credit course
Contact: Jue Wang at