Pursuant to Idaho Code § 33-1004B(11), a review of educator evaluations must be conducted annually to:
verify such evaluations are being conducted with fidelity to the state framework for teaching evaluation, including each domain and identification of which domain or domains the administrator is focusing on for the instructional staff or pupil service staff member being evaluated, as outlined in administrative rule.
To satisfy statute, evidence is gathered from a statewide randomized sample of public-school administrators. That evidence is then examined by a team of experienced reviewers to determine if each selected administrator has conducted their evaluations in compliance with the requirements found in IDAPA A fully compliant evaluation includes a minimum of the following:
- At least two (2) documented observations of the staff member’s professional practice, the first of which must be completed before January 1st
- At least one (1) additional measure of professional practice, which may be based on student input, parent/guardian input, or a portfolio
- At least one (1) measure of student achievement and/or indicator of student success (as defined by Idaho Code § 33-1001 and appropriate to the staff member’s position)
- At least one (1) summative evaluation completed no later than June 1st (as defined by Idaho Code § 33-514), which must be aligned to the applicable professional standards and based on a combination of the items above